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How Video Games Help People Connect

During the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, that is when everything physical in the world came to a standstill. We could no longer go to our physical offices, children were confined in the parent’s compound, and no more schooling brought our minds to a zero point. But we did not have to stay there for long. 

Many of us often found our teenage boys&girls staring at the laptop the entire day and got absurd; what is so weird that cannot allow themselves to blink their eyes? They enjoyed the sweet COVID moments playing video games.

Understanding Video Games as a Social Phenomenon

Many parents complained about the ordeal; children were perceived to have become antisocial and video games addict. No one knew that this was even better than going out to play around the whole day as they used to do before. When covid-19 restrictions were eased, I could send my children out to play, but they could no longer adapt to the old way of playing.

I discovered that even in the new inventions. Video games were even more interactive than going out to play.

After profound research, I learned that video games offer more than three times interactions with other online gamers. Most messages exchanged here are more educational and well-thought ideas and mostly lead to a positive change in the mind of players. This changed the mentality I and some of my friends had since the better part of the interaction was rather positive; for instance, thanking a fellow player for support, others appreciating meeting new friends that they have met during the games, and mostly interacting internationally.

This has led to building and understanding different cultures that were hardly experienced before. And having known this, we can now say that video games have helped people connect in many ways. 

Ability to Connect With Like-Minded Players

 Imagine in real life, and you could have five friends with whom you interact most often. But to your disappointment, they may not be fun video games. 

But then, when it comes to online gaming, many people are looking for like-minded people with whom they can meet, play, and even develop long-term relationships. You will be spoilt for choice, and you will be surprised to meet people who not only love playing video games but have other interests in common that help the community around you.

Gaming Brings a Sense of Equality to All

The word gaming initially looked like a dirty thing altogether. No one wanted to be associated with gamers because it was perceived as a game for the lazy bones in the community. This is not so. In this instance, it does not matter your gender, and you can log in to any video gaming site, get a friend, choose a character in that game and compete with each other. 

This does not mean that if you trail, you are nobody. It brings a sense of “I can make it tomorrow.” And that spirit motivates people even in school and workplaces, that if I did not perform this time, I’ll excel next time through persistence and hard work.

Gaming Acts as a Support System

Let’s relate this fact to children who are pessimists. They may not be in a position to express themselves in real life. For instance, teenagers may feel shy to share their challenges with parents or teachers, but when it comes to gaming, they can blend well, exchange ideas, and even share the hard part of their lives. 

They get solutions online, build self-confidence and make it in life just because of the support system they found in the gaming world. If your child is one of these characters, consider exposing them to the video game world, and life will never be the same.

Games Offer a Safe Haven

It is also true in a way that video games help vulnerable people to forget their despair and have a positive focus in life. Some of these people include;

  • People who fear uncertainties, for instance, lack trust in others and fear tomorrow.
  • It helps to build confidence in shy people.
  • It lifts the spirit of people who have Autism.
  • Become a solution for people with anxiety.


Today’s world is about online interactions. Video games help build confidence when people learn to interact online at tender ages. However, parents need to mind their children’s online safety, so they do not divulge all their efforts in gaming and forget about their future.

But all in all, video games have helped build a solid international culture.

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